Descendants of
Harvey Adolphus Andruss

About This Site
This site is a collection of linked family group sheets for descendants of the above named Mr. Andruss and their spouses. The information contained herein is the product of decades of work, collecting family histories and researching genealogical sources, by Barbara Irwin and Merriam Kokojan, with generous contributions by others. The site was created by Matthew Andruss.

The Family Tree Maker data base from which this site was built was lost in a hard disk crash. Therefore we regret that we are unable to make corrections or extend lines on the site. There is an interested parties list; see "Other Points of Interest", below.

The pages include all known descendants and spouses, including those alive today. We think this makes the information far more interesting, especially for the younger viewers. They can locate themselves, understand familial relationships ("Mom, what's a 2nd cousin?"), trace some of their ancestors, and begin to comprehend their heritage.

To protect your privacy, we show a minimum of information for living individuals: only their names and relationship links. Any birth or marriage data are replaced with the word "Private".

We think this provides adequate privacy; however, if you want to exclude yourself or your family completely, please let Matthew know and he'll take care of it.

Viewing The Pages
To get started, view the list of surnames at this site. Click on any surname for a list of individuals with that name. Then, click on any name to go to the family group sheet for that individual.

On a family group sheet, you can click on any name to go to the sheet for that person. You can also click on HOME at the bottom of the sheet to return to this page, or SURNAMES to return to the list of surnames. Enjoy!!

Other Points of Interest
  • The Interested Parties page is a list of people who have more information about these lines, or have expressed an interest in them.

Contacting Us
You can write Matthew at to request removal of living individuals, or for other site-related issues. Please note that Matthew does not have any family history information.

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Site last updated: 25 Feb 2000